Family Friendly Chiropractor Helping Northern NV To Live Well For Over 20 Years!
Woman suffering from a cold

Aches and Pains – It’s Fall Season Again!

Happy Fall everyone! Is it just me or has 2018 just flown by?! October, November, and December always seem to be a blur with all the holidays within these 3 months! I would like to mention a few things about the Fall time that Dr. Barainca and I always seem to see in the office this time of year.

Change in weather – more colds and sinus issuesWoman suffering from a cold

Whenever there is a change in weather, your body needs to adapt again to the changing environment. Your symptoms may include fatigue, itchy eyes, runny nose, dry nasal passages, headaches, sinus pressure, overall body achiness, and joint pain. Did you know that chiropractic helps to keep the immune system functioning properly? It’s good to get adjusted throughout the Fall and into the Winter season to keep your body functioning at it’s most optimal level. And of course – wash your hands routinely and cough or sneeze into your sleeve. Practice good hygiene everyone!

Increase in stress levels

Character of woman going crazy from a cold

The holiday season seems to be very stressful for many people. We have 3 months of holiday events on top of our very busy regular work or school schedule. Did you know that an increase in stress will increase your hormone cortisol? Cortisol is a hormone produced by your body to manage stress. A certain amount of cortisol is good for the body, but when levels get too high the cortisol can start to work against the body and cause weight gain, breakdown of muscle tone, and cause a change in mood swings just to name a few. Get your chiropractic adjustment to help decrease stress.

Fall Season injuriesFall Leaves

Most injuries that Dr. Barainca and I see at this time of year are usually from gardening. It’s that time of year to start winterizing your yards and cleaning up leaves falling off the trees. Protect your back and use proper ergonomics while working in the yard. Get adjusted regularly to remove subluxations.

Lastly, I would like to discuss a conversation I had a week ago with someone who was talking about chiropractic. He was basically downgrading the profession and calling the profession a bunch of quacks that don’t have proper education. I wanted to just share our amount of education vs. medical school. I am so passionate about what I do that it’s hard not to take it personally, but I need to come from a place knowing that he did not have the proper information about chiropractic and our education. So I am adding this chart:

Chiropractic vs Medical Education

Have a great Fall Season everyone!
In health,
Dr. Barainca, Dr. Brady and our wonderful staff – Marcy, Lori, Rachael